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More About Me

Working in Corporate America—over 20 years—seeing leaders and organizations struggle with change implementation and execution made me a believer in the importance of coaching, organization development and change strategy.

I witnessed experienced leaders working tirelessly to solve the problems of team engagement, employee retention, process improvement, leadership and team development, and overall change execution with minimum ongoing success.

So, over the past 10+ years, I have been completely focused and grounded in the discipline of change management and organization development.

I have made it my personal mission to partner with leaders and organizations, providing them with the necessary structure and tools enabling them to be more change capable leaders, helping them adopt behaviors critical for creating organizational cultures more resilient and adaptable to change.

I use organization development and change models as a foundation, and my expertise of translating the principles and useful data into helping individuals and organizations close gaps and create the appropriate strategies based on the desired outcomes.

As a champion of innovation, I strongly believe diversity on varying levels sets the stage for opportunities and sets individuals and organizations apart from the competition. So, I believe in testing norms, labels, and any barriers. I get to know the unique qualities of those I work with. This allows me to clearly articulate their vision and help them develop strategies for execution, ongoing sustainment, and optimization.

Throughout the life of my career, I have been fortunate enough to connect with individuals and organizations globally and locally, helping them realize their goals. And the journey continues...

Artwork: Butterfly Wings by Aleta Pippin 

Rosalind Price, Owner of R. Richard Price Consulting
Butterfly Abstract Painting

An abstract painting of a butterfly symbolizing transition,
life, and transformation.

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